April 26 E-Bulletin

*This song list can be found on Indy Trinity Worship Playlist on Spotify (click any song to get there)


Amazing Grace (I’ve Got a Reason to Sing)

Enclosed By You

We will Run


Read Psalm 116.1-4, 12-19.This is the word of the Lord.

ALL: Thanks be to God.


Leader: We say we want change, but prefer the comfort of what we have; we long for new life, yet turn our backs on those around us. We could open our arms to others, but close them tight around our fears. Let us confess our lives to our God, as we hope for the Holy Spirit to come and dance among us, as we pray, saying,

ALL: Your Spirit moves over the waters, Gracious God, but we prefer to splash in the puddles of temptation. You would breathe life into us in every moment, but we hold our breath until we turn blue, wanting to get our way. You have loved us unconditionally, but we have failed to love you with all our heart, soul and might. In big ways and seemingly small ways, we have failed to love those around us. In your mercy, forgive us, God of grace.  

Silence is kept

Leader: May your Spirit sing in our hearts, so we may invite others to dance in joy with us. May your Spirit be the still, small voice which silences the shouts of fear and worry all around us.  May your Spirit sweep us off our feet and into the arms of Jesus Christ, our Savior.

ALL: In every breath we take, there is the Spirit; in every word we speak, there is the Spirit; in every heart we touch, there is the Spirit; in every person we welcome, there is the Spirit. In forgiveness, we are given the words to speak; the courage to reach out; the open heart to offer others; the breath of life to share with those around us.  Thanks be to God, we are forgiven! Amen.


Luke 24:13-35


Leader:Pour out your Spirit of rest and shalom upon this bread and this cup, that these gifts might nourish us. 

ALL: As we find our rest in you, may we become restless in service to your children; as we engage with you in solitude, may we build a community of justice and righteousness; as we listen to your silence, may we speak out for all whose voices are ignored by the world. Then, when we gather with all who have found their rest with you at the Table of the Lamb, we will sing your praise for all eternity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, God in Community, Holy in One.  Amen.

Leader: The Spirit - our Companion - says, eat and drink. Christ’s body broken for you and the cup of the new covenant shed for you.        

RESPONSE & OFFERING OF WORSHIP                                                                                                                                        

The Offering Basket

Trinity Song



Leader: Now, God sends us out by a different road.

ALL: So we may find those who have been left by the side of the world.

Leader: Now, Jesus walks with us down a different road.

ALL: So we may serve those who are lonely and frightened.

Leader: Now, the Spirit illumines a different road.

ALL: So we may walk with our sisters and brothers in wonder and grace.




Communitas: The Spirit of Community - Communal Conversation

Luke 24:13-35

*For discussion prompts and prayer guide, visit the series page here.