Communitas: The Spirit of Community

We are clearly meeting in a bit different way, leading up to Pentecost - the time in the Church year when we celebrate the imparting of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples of Jesus. As we gather to discover and embody the love of Jesus, we seek to grow in attunement (a fancy word pointing to prayer) with the Spirit, who brings about community through joining God in mission. Conversationally, we’ll consider key aspects of communitas as the foundation of the smallest units, the base of our church family. 

Communitas: “Latin noun for the spirit of community, typically those groups that form beyond regular institutions and organizations and create a profound sense of equality and togetherness. ...a movement of some sort of spirit in which people discover that solidarity is possible. Some sociologists have noted that communitas has spiritual or sacred dimensions through which people overcome division and achieve a new sense of identity and purpose.”  (Diana Butler Bass, Grounded)

*If you’re wondering, “why the picture of the wild geese?” Well, the wild goose in Celtic spirituality represents the Holy Spirit.


Week by Week: 

April 19: Communal Joy/Holy Spirit as Joy - 1 Peter 1:3-9  

April 26: Communal Conversation/Holy Spirit as Companion -  Luke 24:13-35

May 3 : Communal Discernment/Holy Spirit as Guide - Acts 2:42-47 

May 10: Communal Intercession/Holy Spirit as Healer -  John 14:1-14

May 17: Communal Healing/Holy Spirit as Inner Healer - Acts 17:22-31  

[May 24th: Memorial Day weekend Brunch] 

May 31 (Pentecost): Communal Truth/Holy Spirit as Truth Whisperer - 1 Corinthians 12:3b-13

Discussion Prompts:

-When do you most sense God’s presence? Have you considered that as prayer? Lean in and embrace the unique ways that you experience being in attunement with the Holy Spirit.

-What type of prayer might you need to grow in? Experiment. Confide in someone else who might join you. 

-With whom do you experience a profound sense of equality and togetherness? Notice how the Spirit of community overcomes division and what new sense of identity and purpose is being formed.

-Spend some time with a couple of people, engaging in discernment together. Where do you notice the Spirit at work? How might you join in? Notice how this small gathering of people is the church as you come together around the lordship of Christ and participate in God’s activity in the world. 

-What truth is the Spirit revealing to you? How might that truth bring healing? Create a breath prayer to continue the conversation with God in the day to day.

-Read the passage for this week again. What sticks out to you that you’ve not noticed before? Talk about it with others.



Grounded by Diana Butler Bass

In the Company of the Poor by Gutierrez and Farmer

Incarnate by Michael Frost

Base Communities by Margaret Hebblethwaite

Divergent Church by Shapiro/Faris

A Guidebook to Prayer by Morse

Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Friere


Brother, album by The Brilliance