On The Way: Broad Ripple Neighborhood Walk

This week we’ll take a walk through the neighborhood, paying attention to the coexistence of beauty and the not-so-beautiful. What might God be speaking to us about holding tension, about non-dualistic thinking? We’ll start off with shared liturgy, we’ll explore and walk, coming back together to marvel in our findings, whether we’ve collected things on our journey, have a spoken word to share, a prayer to offer, or simply give thanks to God for complete presence with us.  Today, how does paying attention repattern our weeks, our ability to be attuned to where God is moving us? What does it look like for us to intentionally walk our own neighborhoods, engage in relationships, paying attention to the coexistence of beauty and the not-so-beautiful?

Taking a walk through the neighborhood, paying attention to the coexistence of beauty and the not-so-beautiful, let’s consider the following: 

  • The psalmist said “Commit your cause to the Lord; let him deliver—let him rescue the one in whom he delights!” (Psalm 22.8). What weighs on your heart today? Commit these things to the Lord.

  • What might God be speaking to us about holding tension, about non-dualistic thinking? 

  • Today, how does paying attention re-pattern our weeks, our ability to be attuned to where God is moving us? 

  • What does it look like for us to intentionally walk our own neighborhoods, engage in relationships, paying attention to the coexistence of beauty and the not-so-beautiful?


Kids/Family Peace Walk Idea:

While our church family participates in a prayer walk, our kids will be invited to interact in a more expressive way. Before the walk, families will be given sidewalk chalk. As we pause for reflection on our walk, kids will have the opportunity to create something to share with the neighborhood. These will not be elaborate illustrations, but simple offerings to our neighbors. For example, short phrases like, "You belong," "You are loved," "Take a deep breath," "We're glad you're our neighbor," or drawings of hearts, flowers, and smileys would all be blessings to our neighbors.