The Ease of Sowing Together

Having paid attention to the fluidity of our identities and how Jesus embodied love, declaring that all belong, engaging in lament and composting the trauma encountered, we now turn to the work of planting in this season leading up to Pentecost.  It’s the time in the Church year when we celebrate the imparting of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples of Jesus. Together, we recognize that life in the Spirit is no lone venture. We sow together and put our faith or trust in the Spirit to carry out the good work in and through us as we build a culture of ease. 

*s indicate weeks we will be working with our culture building consultant (as a part of our renewal activities). Additional details are provided via email with access to the renewal page. If you don’t receive those emails, please contact us.


*April 16: New Birth into a Living Hope + Rest  - 1 Peter 1.3-9 

*April 23: Dream 

April 30: Familiar Voice - John 10.1-10

May 7: Mercy  -1 Peter 2:2-10

*May 14: Resist 

*May 21: Imagine

May 28th: Pentecost Sunday + Memorial Day weekend Brunch


-When do you most sense God’s presence? Have you considered that as prayer? Lean in and embrace the unique ways that you experience being in attunement with the Holy Spirit.

-With whom do you experience a profound sense of mutuality and togetherness? Notice how the Spirit is moving toward building a culture of ease.

-When do you notice acting like a “lone venturer”. Confess this to God. Confide in someone else, that together you might be at ease and sow new ways of being, together. 

-What truth is the Spirit revealing to you? How might that truth bring healing? Create a breath prayer to continue the conversation with God in the day-to-day.

-Where have you sensed healing? How might the Spirit be inviting to be more deeply connected to yourself, God, and neighbors?

-Spend some time with people, engaging in discernment together. Where do you notice the Spirit at work and sense an invitation to join in the work of sowing, together? 

-Slowly read Rest is Resistance by Tricia Hersey. Consider what needs confronted in you, in us. What is one small thing you might do (or let go of) this week to rest as an act of resistance?

-What is your posture towards rest and receiving as spiritual practices?  What are you noticing about yourself as you pay attention to these ways of being in the world? 

–In what ways may rest & receiving bring up grief?  What is your own relationship to grief?  How do you relate to the Divine in grief?


Books & Articles:

Rest is Resistance a Manifesto by Tricia Hersey

Access Intimacy: The Missing Link by Mia Mingus

TL Lewis's Working Definition of Ableism-January 2022

Sins Invalid's 10 Principles of Disability Justice

Disability Studies from South to North by Owolabi Aboyade


Possibilities of Care Futures with Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarashina

Beyond Hope: Jodi Lammiman on the Challenges of Eco-Grief


Rest Life by Tricia Hersey

Come and Rest by Kaia Kater

Come Home by Cloud Cult

Love Myself by Andre Henry

Visual Arts:

Healing by Choice! "All of Who You Are is Welcome Here"  **for personal practice only, per Healing by Choice’s request.

Black Power Naps

(photo credit: Alex Diaz)